We are a welcoming worshiping community, inviting without prejudice, all God’s children into our open circle of faith. As witnesses to the love of Christ, we strive to grow in understanding of each other and of the plans God has for each of us and for our community.
A Prayer for Trinity Chapel
All loving and inviting God, you have given us the Way to life in Jesus Christ and you have called us to be your people; your hands and your heart in the world. Help us by your grace to invite others into this family and make us compelling witnesses to the love of Christ. Bring into this open circle families and children seeking refuge from an often-frightening world. Help us to show them what the Kingdom of God is like and to share with them your guidance, and the security that you alone can give. Bring to us seekers of all ages who want to find you and know you. Let us be a beacon; sharing our love, our peace, and our joy, through Christ our brother and our Lord.

Our Bridge Priest is Rev. William Bergmann. He serves Holy Eucharist on the first and third Sunday of every month and serves at St. Mark's in Westford on the second and fourth Sundays. When he is not here, we have lay-lead services of morning prayer.
Rev. Bergmann is also at the Chapel on Wednesday mornings for consultation and conversation.
We have an active Pastoral Care Committee of compassionate church members who can support those in need. Contact Administrative Assistant Meredith Marcinkewicz at trinitychapelshirley@gmail.com and she will forward your requests to the people who can help you.