
Our History
In 1901 a group of residents of the village in Shirley Center gathered at the home of William and Henrietta Barnard to discuss forming a new congregation in Shirley, one that would hold to a Trinitarian theology. The Barnards had attended an Episcopal Church in South Boston before moving to Shirley in 1865, and they liked the idea of founding an Episcopal Church. The Bolton family that arrived in the 1890s also had Episcopal roots. The Community Church on the common in Shirley Center at that time was served by a Unitarian preacher and these families wanted the neighborhood children to have access to good Trinitarian teaching.
The church was initially formed with Trustees as independent because it was not clear if they would have a denominational connection. They worshiped in the Barnard’s home as they made plans to build a church. They were in communication with Endicott Peabody at Groton School and with Bishop Lawrence of the Diocese of Massachusetts. Land was procured just below the common on Center Road and a small arts and crafts style building was constructed and furnished with the help of many volunteers.
The new church was served by lay leaders with visiting clergy from Groton School and Groton School students taught in the Sunday school. Eventually Trinity Chapel, as it was named, became an Episcopal mission. For part of its early history Trinity Chapel shared a priest with the Church in Clinton, Massachusetts, and had their services in the afternoon. They were also served for a time by students from the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge.
After 1940 the chapel was able to have its own half-time clergy and to gather on Sunday mornings. In 1982 they called their first woman priest, The Reverend Nancy Shepherd. During her 20 year tenure Trinity Chapel became a full fledge parish with voice and vote in convention.
The church building also changed over the years. The sanctuary was extended to enlarge the chancel. A parish hall was built in in 1952 and connected to the Sanctuary by an entryway.
After a few years with interim pastors, the Reverend Marsha Hoecker followed Nancy Shepherd and served since Advent of 2006.
In 2009 Trinity Chapel formed a partnership with St. David’s Church in Pepperell which continued until 2013 when St. David’s closed.
Marsha Hecker retired in 2020 and Rev. Suzanne Wade became our Bridge Priest while continuing to serve as Rector of St. Mark's Church in Westford.
The 2020 transition from one priest to another while moving from in-person to virtual worship services was a challenging one, but God was on our side in the journey.
In May of 2023, Rev. Suzanne moved on to another parish closer to her home town and we are on the search again.
Trinity Chapel is alive and well and people know us in our town. We expect to continue for many years to be the Episcopal Church in Shirley Center, creatively adapting, as we always have, to the configuration where God guides us.